In order to maintain your healthy skin, you need to eat right and exercise, practice proper hygiene, protect yourself from the sun, and refrain from smoking.
Your skin is your body’s largest organ which plays a vital role to maintain your health and wellness. It is wonderfully resilient and can survive a great deal of punishment.
Your skin is also the body’s boundary layer, tough enough to resist all sorts of environmental assaults, yet sensitive enough to feel the slightest touch.
The skin creates the first line of defense against possible invasion of bacteria and germs, while maintaining the body’s internal environment within a few degrees of normal throughout our lifetime.
When washing your face, use tepid (never hot) water and a washcloth or sponge to remove dead cells.
Use a mild soap. You may need to clean oily skin two or three times a day. In general, avoid washing your body with very hot water or strong soaps- bathing can dry your skin.
If you have dry skin, use soap only on your face, underarms, genital areas, hands and feet. After bathing, pat (rather than wipe) your skin dry, then immediately lubricate it with oil or a cream.
Moisturize your skin regularly
Moisture is critical to a healthy skin because it helps maintain a good skin barrier and creates a flexible, pliable skin that is soft to touch. When it is moist, it will tan better and more evenly.
Moisturize with Oil
A good moisturizer not only will add moisture to the skin, but also add some oils to the skin. People with severe dry skin require a moisturizer with more oils than a person with a slightly dry one.
Moisturize with Vitamins
A good moisturizer will help replace the vitamins skin needs. Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that should be found in a good moisturizer. Vitamin C acts in concert with vitamin E in a healthy antioxidant system.
Skin bruising or reddening can indicate infection in the epidermal or dermal layers, as well as the indication of damage in the underlying organs. Skin problems or conditions are easily seen without any devices.
There are notable changes that readily occur in the skin that we seldom neglect, until they already bother us.
Among these skin problems are acne which is common. It affects the small pores that cover the face, arms, back and chest and as well as the oil glands attached to them.
Acne also can emerge as pimples that occur when sebaceous glands become blocked or inflamed to varying degrees.
Acne Treatment: -
The following are some simple ways to protect your skin from acne;
Match cosmetics to your skin type: An oil base is suitable for dry skin, and a water base is suitable for oily skin.
For women, remove eye makeup before facial cleaning. Use cotton balls to avoid damaging the delicate tissue around your eyes.
Shaving can be hard on a man’s skin. If you shave with a blade razor, always use a sharp blade.
Soften your beard by applying a warm washcloth for a few seconds; then use
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