Effective Weight Loss Programs

If you have checked, there are different kinds of weight loss programs out there. So, how do I choose right one? Well, there are many factors to consider when choosing a program.

For example, one should consider how long it took to gain the extra weight; the underlying cause of the extra weight; and so on.

It would be unrealistic for an individual who took five years to gain 20 kilograms to expect to lose it in say three months. The longer you take to lose weight, the longer you might take to cut the weight off.

The underlying causes of excess weight could vary from one individual to another. Causes may include hereditary factors, diet or lifestyle.

Watch out for weight loss programs that promise to shed of a lot of weight in a short period of time. These may be unhealthy for the body.

When one loses weight, it could be due to the loss of three components in the body; Water, muscle and fat.It is unhealthy for one to lose water and muscle.

Lose of glycogen and water instead of fat is one of the consequences of losing weight fast. Essentially this means that a program could be effective even if the weight loss is minimal.

An individual weighing 90 kilograms may have a body composition of 20 kilograms of fat and 70 kilograms of water and muscle. The individual may join a body building program and replace some fat with 15 kilograms of muscle.

If the person remains at 90 kg, the program is successful because he has lost 15 kilograms of fat.

Types of Weight Loss Programs

There are two different types of weight loss programs - clinical and nonclinical. Knowing what to look for and what a good program will offer may help you choose the program that will work for you.

1) Clinical Program

A clinical program provides services in a health care setting, such as a hospital. One or more licensed health professionals, such as medical doctors, nurses, registered dietitians, and psychologists, provide care.

A clinical program may or may not be commercially owned. Clinical programs may offer services such as nutrition education, physical activity, and behavior change therapy.

Some programs offer prescription weight loss drugs or gastrointestinal surgery.

The safe and effective programs will always offer a team of licensed health professionals, and a plan to help you keep weight off after you have lost it.

Program cautions: There may be side effects or health risks involved in the program that can be serious. Discuss these with your health care provider.

2) Nonclinical Program

A nonclinical program may be commercially operated, such as a privately owned weight loss chain. You can follow a nonclinical program on your own by using a book, counselor, website, or weight-loss product.

You can also join others in a support group, work-site program, or community-based program. Nonclinical program may require you to use the program’s foods or supplements.

An effective program will provide books, pamphlets, and websites that are written or reviewed by a licensed health professional such as a medical doctor or registered dietitian.

It will also provide balanced information about following a healthy eating plan and getting regular physical activity. And lastly, the leaders or counselors should show you their training credentials.

Program cautions:

  • If a program requires you to buy prepackaged meals, find out how much the meals will cost to know if you be able to buy them. Also, eating prepackaged meals does not let you learn the food selection and cooking skills you will need to maintain weight loss over the long term.
  • Avoid any diet that suggests you eat a certain formula, food, or combination of foods for easy weight-loss. Some of these diets may work in the short term because they are low in calories. But they may not give you all the nutrients your body needs and they do not teach healthy eating habits.
  • Avoid programs that do not include exercise and physical activity plans.
  • Talk to your health care provider before using any weight loss product, such as a supplement, herb, or over-the-counter medication.

Regardless of the type of weight-loss program you choose, always make follow-up visits with your health care provider. He or she may suggest ways to deal with setbacks or obstacles you may face along the way, as well as answer any questions you may have as you move forward.

Why are Weight Loss Programs Important?

Psychological factors can contribute to being overweight.

Today many people eat when they are sad; others when they are happy, and others when they are bored.

This shows that food has become a substitute for many things.

Therefore, an effective weight loss program should address the core factors that can undermine success in weight loss.

Today the average citizen in many countries takes a vehicle to work. The day is spent in front of a desk, computer, stall or office. Evening is spent in front of a television, radio or at a favorite spot with friends.

This offers minimal movement or the activity required to cut back on excess calories.

Compared with three generations back, morning would involve minor repairs around the house.

A bicycle would come in handy when running errands, from the bank, to the shopping center and back home. Evening would probably involve splitting firewood.

For these reasons, you will agree with me that a weight loss program is necessary. As you plan how to loose your weight, choose your most convenient program!

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